West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Sandis Smashes Rás na Rinne Course Record

It was always on the cards that Sandis Bralitis with the right conditions and on the right night would break the course record for the Cunnigar run and this he did emphatically last Friday evening knocking a whopping 46 seconds off the old mark which was jointly held by himself and James Sullivan of Waterford. The race last Friday evening was sponsored once again by Mooney’s Pub and it was race number 6 in this years Ger Wyley /Nike Summer series. We had an excellent entry of 134.As mentioned above we were very lucky with the weather as shortly after the last athlete crossed the finish line there was a down pour which left much of the Gaeltacht area flooded. Thankfully we were nice and cosy in our race sponsors premises at Mooney’s by then.
The race was got under way by race sponsor Tom Gough and within 400 as expected two West Waterford runners Sandis Bralitis and Raivis Zakis quickly left the field in there wake opening up a huge gap, by the time the race reached the Cunnigar the overall winner was defiantly going to come from one of these two. Both previous winners of the race Sandis last year and Raivis in 2005.Raivis tried to detach himself from his team mates on a couple of occasions while on the road section to the Cunnigar but to no avail, Shortly after crossing the stream which leads to the Cunnigar Sandis drew clear, A lead which he was to hold all the way out and back the Cunnigar and indeed to the finish line back at Ring College. The powerful running from the West Waterford man was to be justly rewarded when he finished in a time of 29.17,To become the first man in history to dip under 30 minutes for Rás Na Rinne clipping a massive 46 seconds off the old course record. To break 30 minutes was a real milestone in this race and to his credit the second man home also did the same on the night when Raivis was clocked at 29.35 which was well inside the record also. Former winner of this race Peter Duggan St.Josephs was third in 31.40
The Masters category produced some interesting competition also on the night with the over 40 prize going to West Waterford’s Garry Mc Cormack 34.40,No ill effects from Garry’s terrific run in the recent Cork Marathon. The over 45 was won by Billy Maguire also West Waterford AC who gave a fine performance finishing 19th overall in a time of 35.55,Larry Lacey St.Josephs won the over 50 category in 33.44.Larry has recently moved into this category as last year he was the victor in the over 45’s.Maurice Tobin Grange/Fermoy won the over 55 category 38.13 again retaining his title from last year. The first local prize went to Pádraigh O’ Harta in 39.18.well done to him on colleting this much sought after award.
After a near dominance of this race over the last four years by Jackie Carty Kilmore It was a case of all good things come to an end and last Friday evening West Waterford’s Sineád Crotty put an end to the Wexford Woman’s hold on this race. Sinead fresh from her victory the previous week in Clashmore settled into an easy early pace letting some of the other Lady contender’s battle it out at the front. On the Cunnigar section she reeled them all in one by one and as the race reached the road section again for the return to the finish at Ring College, Sinead made a decisive move that was to see her draw clear of long time leader Maria Griffin Waterford AC to record a splendid win in one of the fastest times ever recorded for a Female in Rás Na Rinne 36.10.Maria Griffin came home well clear in second 36.32.Third place went to another West Waterford Lady who is improving with ever outing Maria Delaney in 39.56. The Over 35 category was won by the above mentioned Jackie Carty Kilmore with a time of 36.52.Jackie looks set to dominate this category for the next couple of years. The over 40 winner was another West Waterford athlete Ann Dunford in a time of 41.30, In the over 45 category Anne Fitzgerald Waterford AC was first in 41.39,Ann Moroney was first over 50 52.36.Ann recently moved into this category and will be in the winners enclosure here on many occasions I bet. Coolquill’s Hillary Collins won the over 55 section in 47.50.West Waterford’s Stacey Lyons was first Junior with a time of 47.29.
A feature every year of this race each year is the handicap team event and this year we saw a great mixture of runners involved in the team awards. This years winning team was captained by Kevin Kenneally and also included Martin Mullarkey, Martin Flynn, Tom Halley and Bríd Dé Faoite.The second team consisted of Padraig Healy Richie Kelly, Tomas Coleman, Kieran Coleman and Clare Walsh, and the third team were Alan Lyons, Mary Burke, on Kelleher, Paul McGrath and Deirdre Cunningham.
         THANK YOU.
West Waterford athletic club would like to thank our race sponsor’s Tom and Ann Gough of Mooney’s pub for their kind sponsorship of Rás na Rinne, To Gerry Cantwell and all involved with the race in Ring, especially to Bríd, Gerry, Kelly and head chef Seamús for the lovely sandwiches and not forgetting Josie for her wonderful baking skills the runners were well full leaving Ring after the race thank you very much, A special thanks to Paudi Breathnach Spar supermarket for his kind sponsorship of the ingredients for the sandwiches also. To Ann Dunford for another job well done on selecting the race prizes much thanks.
Thanks to Gerry and Seamus O’ Droma who marked out the course for the race, and Conor Norris who marshalled the Cunnigar section of the course by Quad bike. To Mary Rose and Seamús who were present to present the O’Droma family shield to the overall winner of the race, And to all who helped out on the night with registration, times results, and our p.a.team.thanks also to Brid Cantwell for all her promotional work on the race with Raidió Na Gaeltachta, (Even Gerry got a mention). And thanks to the committee for the use of the Hall for registration on the night.

Next race in series 14th Annual Dungarvan Leader Dromana 5 Friday July 6th at 8 PM.

Senior Men
1st Sandis Bralitis West Waterford AC. 29.17 ( new course record )
2nd Raivis Zakis West Waterford AC.29.35
3rd Peter Duggan St.Josephs AC 31.40
Over 40-Garry McCormack West WaterfordAC 34.40
Over 45-Billy Maguire West Waterford AC 35.55
Over 50-Larry Lacey St.Jospehs AC 33.44
Over 55-Maurice Tobin Grange/Fermoy AC 38.13
local prize Padraig O’Harta 39.18
Senior Woman
1st Sineád Crotty West Waterford AC 36.10
2nd  Maria Griffin Waterford AC 36.32
3rd Maria Delaney West Waterford AC 39.56
Over 35-Jackie Carty Kilmore AC 36.52
Over 40 –Ann Dunford West Waterford AC. 41.30
Over 45-Anne Fitzgerald Waterford AC 41.39
Over 50-Ann Moroney West Waterford AC 52.36
Over 55-Hillary Collins Coolquill AC.47.50
1st Junior- Stacey Lyons West Waterford AC 47.29

West Waterford athletic club in association with The Sesame Pre School for children with special needs Dungarvan organises it’s third Annual get up and go challenge last Sunday morning when a large group gathered at 4 AM at the Eurospar car park Abbeyside to take on the challenge of going to the top of Crucháin mountain to watch the sun rise over the Déise.The morning was very overcast which was disappointing for those who made such an effort rising from the cot at that hour. However it was all for a worthy local charity, so off we went at 4.15 AM and after driving to the base of Crucháin we walked to the top but as we expected it was very overcast and after a little rest we made the journey back to base.
To round off the morning an energetic group headed up by Ann and Pat Dunford ran back to Minnie’s from Crucháin in the traditional Breakfast run with some covering 10 miles and some taking the longer 13-mile option. On our arrival back at Minnie’s we were served a top notch breakfast and our thanks in a special way to all the O’Brien family and staff of Minnie’s Bar Abbeyside for providing all the participants with a fine big full Irish breakfast. Paddy O’Brien presented the proceeds from the walk to Lena Walsh who accepted it on behalf of the Sesame Pre School for children with special needs Dungarvan.Lena thanked those who took part and spoke of the organisations exciting prospect of a new premises for the school. Our thanks to Lena for making the early morning trip to the village to accept the cheque; the organisers appreciated this.  Finally thanks to all who made the early morning effort to take part, despite the weather for a very worthy local cause.

The heavy rainfall failed to dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of the Minnie’s League participants and many came along on a bad night weather-wise and were very pleased that they did judging by the finishing times. Underfoot conditions were not the best due to the heavy rain but all participants put this to the back of their minds and got on with the job in hand, running their chosen distance of the league. In fact, by the time the league got underway the rain had subsided somewhat and it wasn’t the worst of nights considering. With only one night remaining everyone was determined to give it their all which they duly did. The League concludes on Tuesday night June 26th after a total of nine consecutive weeks which was certainly enjoyed by all involved and we hope that you will all enjoy our next league, the TQS League as much.

Newcomer James Daly had a super time of 8.46 for the one lap.
In the one lap league, Diane Chizhikovc looks certain to take the title as she has a total of 8 points with Ann Wall in second place with 24 points. Diane has five nights run and so will have to run on the final night in order to be eligible. Susie Keane and Ann Moore both had superb runs and it couldn’t have been closer with both of them finishing within a mere second of each other. Likewise, in the league tables there is just two points separating them. Well done to all the one-lap runners.

The two lap runners showed significant improvements from the previous week. This was a fair achievement considering the conditions. Michael Roche dipped under 17 minutes for the two laps. Pearse Moloney managed to run the distance under twenty minutes, well-done Pearse. Hugh O’ Connor must be well pleased to break twenty minutes as well. It appears that this type of running most definitely suits Joan Navin as Joan ran a blinder to cross the line in a time of 21.37, a whopping 6 minutes faster than the previous week. Well done Joan, that’s some running!
There are four divisions in the two-lap league and it looks like Yevgeniy Chizhikov will take the title for division one. In division Angeline Drennan looks like the hot favourite with Caitrìona O’ Brien the most likely for division three. Liam Crowe is only a few points in arrears here so it will all be decided upon on the final night. In division 4 it will be between Joan Navin and Tommy Lenihan as there is very little separating the two.
The man from the Kingdom, Johnny O’ Connor looks set to win Division 1 of the three lap league. Johnny scored the minimum one point on five nights, which should set him up for a comfortable win in the league. Pat Early and Brian Collins will have a battle on their hands for second place. It’s division two of the three-lap league that’s the closest. Both Martina Ryan and Aine Kelly have 54 points each. Not only that, they both have the same number of nights ran so for these two the final winner will be decided on the night. Best of luck to you both. 

Raivis Zakis looks the most likely candidate to be crowned the four-lap league champion as he has scored the minimum points each night that he has ran. However, he will need to run on the final night to have run the minimum six nights. If not, the ever-improving Sean Stilwell will be claiming the honours. In Division two it’s a hard one to call with so little separating them. Brian Byrne is leading at present but has only five nights ran which gives him a tally of 36 points going in to the final night. Pat O’ Riordan has a total of 41 points and has eight nine nights ran so like all the other divisions it will all be decided on the night. If Colin Lyons can manage another fine run he looks set to take the title for division 3. Derek Nolan and Earl Navin are both heading in to the concluding night with equal points, 100 each. This is their lowest possible score so their performance for round nine of the league will determine the final outcome. There is movement between divisions so it’s not just your run alone that will count but also how the other people in your division run. You may find that you may move from the bottom of one division to the top of a lower division and also from the top of one division to the bottom of a higher division. Ann Dunford has the lowest score out of all those in division 6, Bobo in division 7, Josie Uì Chuirrìn in division 8 and Michael Tutty in division 9.

The prize giving for the Minnie’s league will take place in Minnie’s Bar, Abbeyside on Friday night June 29 at 10p.m. An invitation is extended to all those who took part in the league in any way. A great night is in store for you all. See you there!

All at West Waterford Athletic Club really appreciate the generous sponsorship that the O’ Brien family of Minnie’s Bar provided for the League. It has been great to have them onboard with us once again this year and we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank them for their continuous help and support. Many thanks.

The ever popular TQS league will begin in the Friary College on Tuesday night July 3rd at 7 p.m. Registration begins at 6.30 p.m. The entry fee is €2 per night and all are welcome. This league is ideal for those who have never ran before as it is the person who correctly predicts the time they will run that is the winner and not the person that runs the fastest. Example: Mary predicts that she will run two laps in 25 minutes and Ann predicts that she will run two laps in 19 minutes. Mary runs the two laps in 25.10 and Ann runs the two laps in 18.30. Even though Mary had a slower time she is still the winner as she was the closest to the predicted time. The usual one, two, three or four laps will be on offer and each person may run whatever distance they so wish.
We hope to see you all out in the Friary on Tuesday night next. If you have never been involved in a running league, you could always come out and watch for the first night and join in whenever you feel like it. The league will last for the months of July and August and you don’t have to run every night.

The Annual Dromana 5 road race takes place Friday week the 6th July at 8 p.m.starting in Villiarstown and finishing in Cappoquin, the club are delighted that again this year the Dungarvan Leader, will be our race sponsor and we are very thankful to Colum, Linda, and all at Dungarvan Leader for their ongoing support. An added attraction to this year’s race is that it will be one of the very first events on the very ambitious and varied programme of the Cappoquin Cornerstone Carnival 2007 and we are delighted to be part of this weekend of fun and games for all in the locality. Please note this is the last opportunity to enter this years Ger Wyley Sports /Nike summer series as entries close at this race.
There will be a large array of prizes on offer for the race with the 1st 10 men, 1st 3 men’s teams of 4, 1st 5 ladies and 1st ladies team of 4,A 100 Euro bonus will be awarded to the first Man to break the course record of 23.49 and another 100 Euro will be awarded to the first Lady to break the Ladies record of 29.08.The usual spot prizes will also be given out at the presentation to the winners which this year will again be held at the central bar Cappoquin by kind permission of Danny and Nora Flynn, Our race directors in the west Trevor Mason and family along with Sylvia and Ray McConnell have everything in place for what will be another great night’s sport and fun.
The Dungarvan Leader Dromana 5 will be your last chance to enter this year’s Ger Wyley Sports/Nike summer series as entries close at this race. All those who enter will be rewarded with a 25 Euro voucher if they complete 6 of the 10-race programme.

Our second trip to Ballycotton this summer will take place on tomorrow Thursday 28th June for race two in the Ballycotton running promotions Nike summer series when the Shannagarry 5 takes place at 8 P.M.The following are the prize details for the race.
PRIZES: First 10 men (M); First 3 M40; First 3 M45; First 3 M50; First 2 M55; First M60; First M65; First M70; First 2 under 20 (MJ).
First 2 teams (3 to score, excluding prize-winners).
First 6 women (F); First 2 F35; First 2 F40; First 2 F45; First F50; First F55.
First team (3 to score, excluding prize-winners).

The two day junior international in Mannheim Germany was held last weekend and West Waterford’s David Mc Carthy was in action in the 1.500 meters with high hopes of ataining the qualifing standard for the upcoming European Junior championships.In a blanket finish to the race just half a second separated the first four athletes, with David taking a terriffic second place in a time of 3:49.52 which was inside the qualifying time for the Europeans.A difficult race for the Ballinamult lad with German athletes filling three of the top four positions.With the leaving cert now behind him and the prospect of his upcoming move to Providence on an athletic scholarship its full steam ahead for this most dedicated young man whom we hope in the not too distant future will be on the winners rostrum wearing his Irish singlet in many a championship.    
1. Lipus Daniel   GER 3:49,30
2. McCarthy David   IRL 3:49,52
3. Malik Christoph   GER 3:49,70
4. Orth Florian   GER 3:49,78
The club are travelling to Limerick this Sunday for round one of the National Track and Field league with high hopes of at least qualifying again as we did last year for the finals. Transport will leave the Park hotel at 9 AM sharp. If unable to travel please let club Track and field coordinator Tony Ryan know on 087-7657805

Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training and some are not. Eamon Phelan.

Congratulations to popular club members Tom Scanlon on reaching the ripe young age of 50 during the week. Tom celebrated the occasion in the traditional West Waterford way by taking part in the Crucháin challenge and them running the 10 miles back to Minne’s. Sure what other way would you celebrate such an occasion.
Our friends in Dundrum AC have asked us to remind all West Waterford athletes of their upcoming 10 k road race on Wednesday evening July 11th Next at 8 PM when a Quality Embroidered Souvenir Hand Towel will be awarded to all Finishers, Held on a flat two lap course there will be €150 For Winner of the Senior Men’s and Women’s Race There will also be a 5 k Junior Men’s and Women’s race on one lap of the course. The course records are held by Daniel Gidumbanda Tanzania 29:45 and Rose Mary Ryan 34.28.Entry on the night is 10 euro with 5 Euro for juniors. 
Prizes in the following categories:
First 8 Senior Men
First 3 Vet. Men O/40
First 3 Vet. Men O/45            
First 3 Vet. Men O/50
First Vet. Man O/55  
First Vet. Man O/60
First 4 Senior Women   
First 2 Vet. Women O/35
First 2 Vet. Women O/40
First 3 Junior Men and Ladies
First Wheelchair
For further information and any queries you may have contact Michael at 062 71464.

Once again all records were broken for an evening Cork BHAA race when over 400 turned out for the John Buckley Sports 5km.The mid-summer rain had cleared in time for the start and for West Waterford’s Raivis Zakis, the sun was certainly shining. Raivis runner broke away from James McCarthy East Cork AC in the closing stages to finish in a personal best time of 14:59.Raivis, James McCarthy and Sean McGrath went through the first mile in 4:48 and with less than a mile to go Raivis managed to get away.” McCarthy recorded 15:10 in second, which was also his fastest time on the road. Last Sunday, he finished sixth in the Munster 1500m in 4:03.32.Colin Merritt, the winner of the Grandon Motors 5-mile last week, came though for third with Munster 5000m silver-medallist McGrath in fourth.The club had one other participant at the event Jim Fleming covered the 5k distance in 19.19.well done to him.Niamh O’Sullivan again made the long journey from Tralee to easily win the women’s race in a time of 17:02.The former Leevale athlete finished fifth in the recent Dublin Women’s Mini-Marathon. Ann MacPhail just got the better of last year’s winner Carmel Parnell to take second.


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