Mason’s Mortgages and Financial Services Running league is growing in popularity with round two having a total of 112 participants taking part in the three routes on offer. This is the biggest number in the history of the league and serves to prove just how well suited this league actually is to all sorts of runners. We were lucky once again that the weather conditions were in our favour and all in all it was a lovely evening for a run. It was great to see so many new faces willing to come along and to give the running a go and even better that they all seemed to enjoy it. We all have to start somewhere and Colligan is a great place for doing just that. You will always find that there are plenty in the same boat as yourself and plenty to provide a bit of support and encouragement along the way. As usual proceedings got underway at 6.15, helped out by league sponsor Mark Mason. This is Mark’s second year on board as sponsor of this league and his support and contribution really makes the league the success that it is. In each of the routes, the numbers were up on the previous week and the times were down which means we must all be doing something right. There is a great sense of achievement to be felt leaving Colligan, knowing that you achieved your target, be it the 2 laps, the five miles or those steep hills. We have now reached half-way in this four week league with tonight being the penultimate night. Time flies when you’re having fun, especially going up the hills! The league tables themselves are beginning to take shape and the next two nights should be interesting to watch. There is still plenty of room for more to come along and join in in the experience. You need not have ran any previous night to run tonight or any other night. Registration begins in the wood at 5.45 p.m. this evening with a 6.15 p.m. start. The entry fee is €2 and all are welcome. Water is provided at the finish for all runners.
Numbers were up from 3 participants to 7 in the men’s two lap league. Jason Travers who was in second place the previous week ran a great race and led the field home in a time of 17.40, almost a minute quicker than round one. Yevgeniy Chizhikov improved by three seconds to clock 17.43 and claimed second place. Both Jason and Yevgeniy are on three points a piece now so tonight’s run is crucial for these two in determining the overall men’s winner in the two lap league. Newcomers to the two lap league were Paul Curtin (19.56), Richie Power (22.00), Pearse Moloney (22.32), Andrew Comiskey (24.08) and Martin Quinlan (25.01).
In the ladies section there were 14 that were ready and able for the challenge of the two laps. There were remarkable improvements among all that took part. Triona Shalloe was the first of the ladies home. Grealdine Barry ran a titanic race and finished in second position in a time of 23.46. This was a considerable jump from finishing in 5th position in round one. Her top drawer performance meant that she also knocked over 2 and a half minutes off her time from the previous week. That’s some running and we’re only half way there. Well done Geraldine!. While we’re on the subject of improving, others most worthy of a mention here are Andrea O’ Neill (24.32), Diana Chizikova (24.58), Marian Moloney (25.23) and Michelle Finnegan (28.33).
The five mile flat course had 8 men and 6 women take part. Although we call it the five mile flat course and which it is flat relative to the hills, it still has a bit of a climb through the wood. It’s a very short climb so don’t let that put you off. Declan McGrath was first home for the second week in a row, followed by Paul Brunnock. Tomas Coleman was third home in a time of 34.02. Finbarr Kelly who’s still on a high from having found his keys ran a blinder and clocked 34.21, a big improvement from 35.37 the previous week. Newcomers to the 5 mile flat and who ran very well indeed were Killian Carroll(35.10), Donagh Cummins (36.30) and Oliver Mannion (38.51).
The ladies in the five miles were joined this week by Libby McGinn Murphy who made the move from the 2 laps of the wood to the 5 miles. Well done Libby and judging by your time you had a great run indeed. That’s the beauty of the Colligan league, if you feel a route is too difficult or not challenging enough there’s always the option of changing to another route. Corinna Walsh was the first lady home yet again along with Josie Ui Chuirrín in second place. Libby was in third spot with Marie O’ Gorman in fourth place, Michelle Durand in fifth and Onra Power in 6th position.
If you fancy a challenge and are free on a Wednesday evening then there’s no better place to be than in Colligan Woods for the run up the hills. For round 2 we had a total of 77 men and women take on this challenge. The hills are tough but an integral part of any training regime and when they’re done and you can finally get your breath, you will be glad that you did them. Hill running increases strength, stamina and endurance and really pays come race day so bear that in mind on those steep climbs.
Philip Harty ran a blinder last week and was very close to breaking 30 minutes, clocking 30.02. Liam Budds is back to top form again recording 33.01. As people are becoming more familiar with the hills and learning where and when to hold back and to push on, their times are improving each week. Gary Collins was almost a minute quicker than the previous week as was Kenneth O’ Donnell, Darren Healy and Pat Tutty. Rob Lynch certainly proved this point as there was over four and a half minutes in the difference between his times for week one and week two. Tony Hamilton was another, running the hills over two minutes faster this week. This improving trend carried over on to the ladies as well. Ann Dunford had a fantastic run and will be well pleased with her time of 38.31, well over a minute faster than round one and she was also second lady home followed by Triona Wall (39.18). Margaret Power is finding that the hills get easier with each outing as both she and Andrea Gaffney are edging closer and closer to breaking 44 minutes. Training partners Ann Wright and Marian Keane put in a great effort and will be delighted with their times. Marathon runner Ann Moroney is using the hills as part of her training for the upcoming London Marathon, run Colligan Hills and you can run anything! Albert has his gang really giving it their all up the hills, especially Paula Nugent who ran 52.50, down from 55.21 and Maire Flynn who recorded 53.56, down from 54.47. Well done to all that took part and we hope you enjoy the rest of the league.
Many thanks once again to our league sponsor, Mark Mason of Mason’s Mortgages and Financial Services of Cappoquin for his generous sponsorship of this league. It’s great to have Mark on board as sponsor again this year as he is a very loyal supporter of local athletics. Mark was present on the night to help with the running of the league and for this we are very grateful.
The Annual St.Senans Open sports were held over the bank holiday weekend on the Monday and both the Juvenile and Senior club had athletes participating. In the Senior Men’s 3.000 meters Raivis Zakis took the honours on the grass track which was a change from his usual road racing exploits, There was quite a strong field here with Sean McGrath East Cork 2nd.In the Junior Ladies race it was a 1-2 for the club when Elma Nugent was 1st and club mate Jenny Hurley 2nd both running a very good paced race, likewise in the Junior Men’s race over 3.000 Meters the distance was no problem for Declan Power who took the top spot with a fine performance. Well done to all and to the many Juveniles who participated also.
The clubs 2008 Annual was launched during the week and is a most for all local running enthusiasts. Kindly sponsored by Emerald Financial the club Annual cover’s all club activities and much more besides during the past year 2007.Editor Dermot Dwyer has put pain staking hours of work in behind the computer for this publication of which all at the club are most grateful. The content shows an array of articles submitted by club members and a fine collection of club photos are also in the publication. Out thanks once again to our Annual sponsor’s John Organ and Brian Byrne of Emerald Financial without their support it would not be possible to publish such a record of the clubs activities, indeed it is a very important record to have of what was an outstanding year for the club in 2007. Priced at a nominal 5 Euro it is great value for anyone with an interest in the clubs activities, the Annual is on sale at Ger Wyley Sports and Albert Mc Grath Newsagents Mitchell St.This is a limited edition so get your copy to-day.
The senior clubs monthly meeting will be held tomorrow night at 8.30 PM in Minnie’s Bar, Abbeyside.
Waterford AC are holding their inaugural 4-mile road race on Sunday next 6th April in the city with an 11 AM starting time. Registration will take place at Dooley’s Hotel on the Quay from 9.30 AM and refreshments and prizes will be awarded in Dooley’s after the race. Please note this is an A to B course starting on the Quay by the Bridge and finishing at the R.S.C.on the Cork road.
Entry fee for Senior’s is 8 Euro and for Juniors 4 Euro.
There will be plenty of cash prizes on offer, which will include 1,2,3,4,5,Male and Female. Master’s Men over 40,45,50,55 and Women Masters over 35,40,45,50.Junior prizes for 1st Male and Female plus first Men’s and 1st Women’s team, all teams outside individual prizewinners. Cash Bonus for First Person to Break 18.30 Men and likewise for the first Lady to break 22 minutes.
Just remember this. No one ever won the olive wreath with an impressive training diary. Declan Power.
Wednesday April 02nd Mason Mortgages and Financial Colligan Fit4life league 6.15 pm
Saturday and Sunday April 5th and 6th Woodies DIY/A.A.I. National Juvenile Indoors Nenagh.
Sunday April 6th Great Ireland 10k road race. Phoenix Park.
Sunday April 6th Waterford AC 4 mile road race 11 AM.
Wednesday April 09th Mason Mortgages and Financial Colligan Fit4life league 6.15 PM
Saturday and Sunday April 12th and 13th Woodies DIY National Juvenile Indoors Nenagh.
Sunday April 13th Woodies DIY A.A.I. National road relays Raheny.
Sunday April 13th Kilnaboy 10 Co.Clare 2 PM.
Friday April 18th Race 1 in Ger Wyley Sports/Nike Summer Series-Marine Bar-Marine Climb 7 PM
Sunday April 20th A.A.I.National 10k road championships Athenry.Galway
Wednesday April 23rd Waterford Schools Track and Field Championships.R.S.C.Waterford.1 PM
Thursday April 24th Primary Schools sports St.Augustines College. Big Schools 6.00 PM
Friday April 25th County Track and Field Championships day one. Senior and Juvenile 6.15 PM R.S.C.Waterford.
Saturday April 26th Race 2 Ger Wyley Sports/Nike summer series-The Hennessey Garage- Butlerstown 10k and 5k 7.30.
Tuesday April 29th Minnie’s Bar Fit4life summer league St.Augustines College 7.00 P.M.
Wednesday April 30th East Munster Girls Schools Track and Field championships. R.S.C. Waterford. 12 Noon.
Thursday 1st May Primary School sports St.Augustimes College 6 PM.Small Schools.
Monday May 5th Munster Masters, juniors and Under 23 Track and Field Championships Cork I.T.
Tuesday May 6th Minnie’s Bar Fit4life summer league St.Augustines College 7.00 PM
Friday May 9th West Waterford Track and Field sports evening St.Augustines College 7.00 PM.
Sunday 11th May Round 2 Country Track and Field championships Senior and Juvenile R.S.C.Waterford.
Sunday May 11th Spar Mile Challenge.
Tuesday May 13th Minnie’s Bar Fit4life summer league St.Augustines College 7.00 PM
Saturday May 17th Munster schools Track and Field Championships. Limerick.
Saturday May 17th Race 3 Ger Wyley Sports/Nike summer series. The Bausch and Lomb Waterford to Tramore 7 mile road race 7.30 PM
Sunday May 18th The E Project Crucháin Mountain run. The Pike 1 PM.
Sunday May 18th Round 1 National Senior Track and Field.
Tuesday May 20th Minnie’s Bar Fit4life summer league St.Augustines College 7.00 PM
Saturday and Sunday May 24th and 25th A.A.I.Senior and Junior combined events.
Sunday 25th May Munster Senior Track and Field championships and combined events
Tuesday May 27th Minnie’s Bar Fit4life summer league St.Augustines College 7.00PM
Saturday 31st May Kit Kat All Ireland Schools Track and Field championships. Tullamore.
(Please check all event dates and times, as some are provisional.)