West Waterford Athletic Club West Waterford Athletic Club

Club off to a flier in round one of national Track and Field Leagues.


The third round of the ever popular Minnie’s Fit4Life Summer Running League got underway last Tuesday night, May 13th, in the grounds of the Friary College. Yet again, record entries were the order of the day and all at the club are delighted with such an impressive turnout. We were blessed with glorious weather yet again, which made the event all the more enjoyable. With only three rounds gone in the league, it is amazing to see that in such a short space of time there are many that are experiencing their highest level of fitness ever which is the main reason behind the setting up of this league.  The league really couldn’t be any easier; all the preparatory work is done for you. All you need to do is to turn up at the Friary College on Tuesday evenings around 6.40 p.m., park at the rear of the college, go to the club van, pay your entry fee of €2, tell us if you are running one, two, three or four laps of the Friary, if you have any questions just ask us, wait for the whistle and off you go!! That’s really all there is to it. Once again, we would like to welcome on board all those that have recently joined the running scene. It won’t be long before you will be looking forward to your weekly run and for many it progresses to looking forward to your daily run and it’s then that you’ll realise that you have the running bug. Looking forward to a run is a sure sign that your fitness levels are increasing as is your overall health and well being. The league continues every Tuesday evening in the Friary College at 7 p.m. and all are welcome. Whether you have any running experience or not, you are most welcome and if you have yet to join we would be delighted to see you. Why not bring along a friend or two and encourage each other in the league, you’ll be glad you did.


Having watched husband Gary run many a race and league, Siobhain McCormack decided that it was time to give it a go herself and she has been making great strides ever since. Having ran a credible 13.10 for one lap for round two, Siobhain upped the pace for round three and finished in a time of 11.31, well over a minute and a half faster than the previous week. This really proves that the first week will always be the toughest for newcomers but get over that hurdle and it really does get easier. Well-done Siobhain. Declan Hayes is another runner experiencing huge improvements in the one lap, he went from 11.09 to 10.28 in the space of a week, what a difference a week and a bit of enthusiasm makes. Sandra Ellard, Claire Cotter and Helen O’ Brien are all edging closer and closer to eleven minutes for the lap and should do the deed for round four. Denise Regan joined the ranks of the runners for round three and had a great run. Well done to you all and we would encourage you all to stick with the league, compare your times from the first and last week and be amazed at the difference.


There was a marked increase in those taking part in the two-lap league, for many it’s a chance to increase the distance they run once they have conquered the one lap at the start. Martin Hayes led the field home in a time of 14.49, closely followed by Yevgeniy Chizhikov in 15.26. Noel McKenna was third to cross the line in a time of 18.20, well done Noel. Andrea Gaffney was the first of the ladies to finish and will be well pleased with her time of 19.06, well under ten minute laps. Vince O’ Donovan, Sinead Moore and Paddy Street also paced themselves very well throughout the run and all finished under 20 minutes. After a long absence, it was great to see Thomas O’ Grady back in action again and he managed the distance of two laps with ease. Geraldine Barry, Nikki Mckenna and Caroline Russell all showed marked improvements from the previous week and judging by the way they are running, it’s only the start of great things to come. Ann Cummins, Sarah Power and Tommy Lenihan all performed very well indeed to run under 23 minutes for the two laps. Well done to Jenny Burke who clocked 23.47, down from 24.05 and to Carmel Hourigan who was very close to 24 minutes for the distance.


The three lap runners were led home by Kerry man Johnny O’ Connor in a time of 22.18, well clear of second and third placed Ray Burke and Tom Byrne, both if whom were quicker than previous weeks. Tom Scanlon is back in action, the celebrations for the winter league are well and truly over and it’s back to training in earnest for the summer months for Tom. Tom recorded 28.11 and finishing just after him were Carol Whelan and Brigid Coffey. Rosaleen Ryan and Pearse Moloney had a battle to get to the line with both of them finishing with the same time of 28.51. Carmel Corcoran will have every reason to celebrate her performance for round three as she was well under 31 minutes for the three laps, in the not too distant future she will be running 30 minutes for the league no doubt. It’s great to be running with somebody as it gives you that extra motivation especially on the last section of the run. Sarah O’ Brien and Joan Navin did just so and for their efforts both were under 33 minutes. Well done all.


Des Feeney succeeded in dipping under 31 minutes for the four-lap league for round three. Having recorded 31.13 the previous week, it was sweet success for Des to record 30.46. He had Eoin O’ Riordan for company along the route for both rounds and it was a well-deserved run for the two athletes. Gary McCormack who is making a steady comeback is well on to reaching his best with his time of 31.04, a time also matched by Eamon Phelan. Gary Collins pulled out all the stops in an effort to break 32 minutes, which he duly did along with Kenneth O’ Donnell. Dermot Dwyer had a second to spare in reaching 33 minutes with Dermot Ryan just on the other side of that. Gerry O’ Connor and Fergal Connolly managed to run sub 35 minutes and Ray Curran and Pat Tutty recorded 39 minutes even.


Thanks once again to the O’ Brien family of Minnie’s Bar, Abbeyside, for their most generous sponsorship of the league again this year. Their support down through the years has always been most appreciated.


Just a little reminder to you all that in order to feature in the leagues, each runner must have ran six nights of the same distance. If you have been doing various distances all along and you want to feature in the leagues, now is the time to pick a distance and to stick to it for the remainder of the league.



The 39th Annual Paddy Flanagan memorial Waterford AC organised Bausch and Lomb sponsored Waterford to Tramore road race was held last Saturday evening in ideal weather conditions and a record field of 277 runners took part which was by far the largest turn out ever for this race. Indeed it was a record entry for any race in the Ger Wyley/Nike sponsored Summer series which is now some 14 year in existence, covering over 130 races since its foundation. The club and sponsors are delight that this series one of the oldest and best in the country is still drawing huge numbers after all those years. The race last Saturday got under way from the city hall Waterford for the 39th time and made its way out the main Waterford to Tramore road to the finish at the Majestic Hotel where a large crowd had gathered to welcome the runners as they completed the 7.5 mile course. With the ever-increasing amount of traffic on the roads presently quite an amount of stewarding and course management is involved with these road races. With this in mind we thank the Garda and all the stewards on the course who did a super job on marshalling the course.
The presentation of prizes and shower facilities were at the Tramore G.A.A.club and our thanks to them for the use of their facilities again this year, Thanks in a special way to our main sponsors Bausch and Lomb for the beautiful array of prizes on offer, The race was organised by Waterford AC who took over the reigns two years ago from ourselves in West Waterford and our thanks to all concerned here. To Fintan on P.A.The order of Malta, Those who looked after the Waterstop on the course, finally thanks to Mrs Paddy Flanagan for her presence at the presentation last Saturday night.


Be warned all comers his back to his best. This is our warning to all pretenders to the crown. Sandis Bralitis is back to his best after pulling out all the stops to take a great victory in last Saturday evening’s Waterford to Tramore road race. After suffering a devastating injury worry at the end of last year which required a slow recovery period of some months, The Glaxosmithkline employee proved to all that he is back at the helm of road racing again and it will take a special athlete of a very high calibre to knock him from this spot over the coming summer months. Sandis as we said was retaining his title from last year making it now three wins in a row in this event. His winning time Saturday was 37.53 his fastest ever over this course. And for the record his winning time in 2006 was 38.52 and in 2007 he clocked 37.54.A second is a second! Second place last Saturday night went to Wexfords D.M.P. athlete Ger Clancy with a time of 38.08,third was West Waterford’s Raivis Zakis 38.33,fourth was our Australian friend Julian Kuppler whom we welcome to our shores in 40.01 and fifth place went to another West Waterford athlete who gave a fine performance, Declan McGrath 41.09.S.B.Rovers athlete Paul Gibbons was sixth in 41.38 West Waterford’s Martin Hayes won the over 40 category in a good time of 45.38 finishing 19th overall. Larry Kennedy Waterford AC clinched the over 45 prize with his run of 41.58 he finished 7th overall,. The over 50 category was won by Larry Lacey St.Josephs in 44.28.and Declan Power West Waterford AC took the title of first Junior in 48.14.West Waterford for the fifth year in succession took the team honours with, P.J.Guinan 11th and Alan Lyons 16th and Joe Kelly giving them a total of 45 points.


Kilgobnet born Muriel Cummins was the impressive victor in the Ladies race last Saturday evening indeed Muriel was in the top 20 overall finishing positions when filling that 20th spot. A fine athlete along with her sister some years ago both excelled at Juvenile level, Muriel has been out of the country for some time now and on her return last week proved that she is still an athlete of immense ability and hopefully we will see much more of her in the coming months on the athletics scene. She covered the 7.5-mile course in a very fast time of 45.52 beating previous race winner Jackie Carty by 5 seconds. Muriel lead from early on but the Kilmore lady Carty always had her in her sights, However the Kilgobnet lady never faded an inch and held her high tempo pace throughout going on to record a famous victory. Jackie Carty Kilmore gamely held on for that second spot in a time of 45.48 and third was last year’s race winner Ann Marie Holland in a time of 46.36 St.Senans Adele Walsh was fourth finisher in 47.17.Clonmel’s Angela Mc Cann was fifth Lady finisher in a time of 47.30,first over 35 was Diane Behan West Waterford in 48.38.It was three category wins in a row for West Waterford’s Anne Whelan who took the Ladies over 40 category for the third year in succession, Ann’s time was 52.50 which was almost a minute faster than last years time so well done to her.Eilish Ní hAodha West Waterford was the winner of the Ladies over 45’s in 49.33.Elma Nugent West Waterford won the Junior Ladies prize with a time of 52.11.


As we approach race 4 in this years series, The Hallahan Coaches Touraneena 5k on Monday June 2nd .We issue a little reminder to all who haven’t yet joined the Ger Wyley Sports/Nike summer series that now is the time to do so. Remember its 6 out of a possible 10 races to count. Numbers are well up on last year at this stage, All who enter and complete 6 races will receive a Nike voucher to the value of 25 Euro and an added bonus this year for all who complete all 10 races, they will be awarded a 75 euro voucher thanks to our sponsor’s Ger Wyley Sports and Nike.



The Touraneena racquetball club organised Hallahan Coaches Touraneeena 5k road race will be held again this year through the generosity of sponsors Hallahan Coaches, Now in its 13th year and one of the most popular in the Ger Wyley/Nike summer series. The race will be held on the traditional June bank holiday Monday which this year falls on the 2nd with a 7.30 PM starting time, The local racquetball club will as usual have all the ground work done for what promises to be another great nights running in the Village. There is an added interest in the race this year which incorporates a very clever fund raiser for the fledging club and this which we will elaborate more on in next weeks notes what we can say is it will add fun and frolics to the occasion. The race will begin in its usual place at the back entrance to the graveyard at 7:30pm. Entry fee to the race will €8.Cash Prizes will be awarded for the first 3 men and women as well as prizes for first in the following grades: Men Over 40,45,50 and 60.Women Over 35,40 45 and 50.The walk which is very much part and parcel of the event each year will begin at the traditional time of 6:30 pm in order for the walkers to be able to see the finish of the race. Walkers will be asked to predict their time to complete the course and the person who is nearest but not faster to their time will be presented with the Ann Power Memorial Perpetual Trophy. Entry fee to the walk will be €5 per person. The walk will begin outside the Community Centre.


Our Men of the Track and Field were in action last Sunday in the round one of the National leagues which were held in Tullamore.Last year we won the first division of this national competition which moved us up to the Premier division along with all the big clubs in from the 32 counties of Ireland, The club has realistically set its sights on reaching the national finals this year and to achieve this would be a great step forward in this kind of company. Our start on the road to this goal is well under way with a tally of 94.5 points from round one which we will carry into day two which is down for cork on Sunday June 15th.With your best 15 events to count we covered 16 in total giving us two firsts, six second placings, three third placings, plus some minor placings. Tony Ryan and Michael Tutty travelled with the team and the day got off to a bright start for us with Thomas Houlihan taking a first in the Pole Vault with a vault of 3.80 this was quickly followed by the return to club competition for Mikie Murray who showed that non of his talent has diminished with a winning jump in the triple jump of 13.30.One of the performances of the day came from Sean Stilwell who gave a gutsy display in the steeplechase to finish 2nd in a time of 10.28.Sean later in the day went on to take 5th in the 400 meters hurdles, Our field Men bounced onto the scene when Donnie Rockett took a great 2nd in the hammer and again Mikie Murray in the long jump took another runners up spot, with a 6.67 meter jump. The daddy of our competitors and still one of the countries best Frank O’Brien with a 36.11 meter throw was 2nd in the Discus, The new Javelins came into their own last Sunday also for Stephen Dunne who finished 2nd with a throw of 45.54.Michael Morrissey gave his all in the shot and was rewarded with a 2nd placing for his 11.82 effort, Michael was also 4th in the 56 lb distance event with 4.92 meters, Liam Houlihan took on the might of the 110 meter hurdles and recorded a fine 3rd placing the same finishing position was his lot in the High Jump when finishing joint 3rd on 1.70 meters, and a double was recorded by club favourite James Ledingham in the 1.500 meters in 4.11 and the 800 meters 2.00.Joe Gough gave a sterling performance in the 400 meters event taking valuable club points and he lead our relay team which also included Sean Stilwell, James Ledingham and Liam Houlihan in the 4×100 meters. Well done to all. With the added bonus of the above and a couple of track runners to be added in round two it’s onwards and upwards for our men of the track and field.



On tomorrow night Thursday 22nd the Annual Ballycotton four five mile race series gets under way with the Ballyandreen 5 starting at 8.p.m.then over the following three months of the summer there will be the Shanagarry 5 on June 26th at 8 p.m., Churchtown South July 27th at 8 p.m.and finally Ballycotton itself on Thursday August 28th this start will be at the earlier time of 7.30 p.m. because of the fading light. Prizes each night, First 10 men first 3 over 40,45,50,first 2 over 55,first over 60,65 and 70,first 2 under 20 Junior’s, three two three to score outside individual prize winners, Women first 6,first 2 over 35,40,45,50,first over 55 and 60,first team 3 to score outside individual prize winners. Also spots will award at each race. Overall prizes will be decided on by cumulative times over the four races. First 6 men, first three masters (any age) first two juniors. First five Women. In addition a special T-shirt will be awarded to the first 50 men and first 15 Women over all in the series. All athletes who complete all four races will receive a souvenir plaque. Results sheets will be published after each race and will be available on the night, entry is 4 Euro per race taken on the night of each race, Final race 5 Euro with one Euro going to a designated charity.


On Sunday next May 25th the 2nd Annual Emer Casey Memorial 10km run/walk takes place in Youghal.Enties for the event are steadily coming in and a big turn out of runners and walkers are expected to take part. The run/walk begins at 3pm at Pobalscoil Na Trionoide and features a very fast first two miles before taking in the town centre with the finish back at the strand. The Emer Casey Foundation was established in memory of the late Emer Casey who died aged 28 following a short but very brave battle with cancer. Emer was a native of Youghal and a former juvenile athlete with the local club.
Her former colleagues in the law firm Matheson, Ormsby, Prentice Solicitors are the proud sponsors of the inaugural 10km.The prize list includes the first six men and women and as well as category and team awards. There is also a T-shirt and ‘goody bag’ for all finishers. Entry to the race is 20 euro and they will be take on the day from 11.30am until 1.30pm and full details of the race and the foundation can be seen on the website www.emercaseyfoundation.com The race is one of many events being organised by the foundation to raise money to increase public awareness of ovarian/uterin/endometrial cancer and to provide support to the families of patients.


If the hill has its own name, then it’s probably a pretty tough hill.


Joe Gough was in action in Trinity College Dublin last Thursday evening in an 800 meters race on a grass track. Joe finished 2nd on the night.


The club wishes to appeal to all roadrunners that are using water out on their regular training runs to return and collect empty water bottles. Please no not leave empties strewn on the roads.


Good to see West Waterford’s David McCarthy back among us for the summer holiday months. David has just completed his first year in Providence College where he is on an athletics scholarship under the Watchful eye of Villiarstown Ray Treacy, who is head coach in Providence, David will be competing in many local and national track events over the next couple of months and we hope to be reporting favourable on these.


Ravis Zakis West Waterford AC won the 7th running of the Cruacháin Mountain Race in fine style on Sunday last. The race was organized by West Waterford Athletic Club under the auspices of the Irish Mountain Running Association and is the third leg of their Munster Championship series.   Ravis’s winning time was 30.47 which put him well clear of James McIntyre in second place in 32.44.  Not far behind was Donal Coffee who finished in third place in a time of 32.56.  Other local runners to feature in the men’s race were Philip Harty who finished in 8th place in time of 34.44 ahead of Michael Dunford who completed the 7 k trip in 35.15. The first lady to finish the course was Mary Louise Ryan in a time of 38.40 ahead of Elma Nugent West Waterford who was also the first Junior to cross the line.  Becky Hand was the second Junior lady to finish in a time of 44.05.The weather at the time of the race was ideal for running but unfortunately poor visibility at the summit caused the organizers to shorten the course slightly.  All those who took part however would vouch for the grueling but satisfying nature of their achievement in completing the unique event.Our thanks to Tim Foley and his helpers who organised the event on the day.

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